To get your event included on the KLOO-VilleĀ Calendar please email Nena at
March 2025
Wed 3/12- Fri 4/25 8a- 5p Giustina Gallery at Lasells Stewart Center An Exhibit Dedicated to the memory of Lorraine Richey | We invite you to experience an exhibit of color and black and white photographic prints by 27 artists on a wide range of subjects covering a spectrum from landscapes to portraits to abstract works. Willamette Valley Photo Arts Guild is Celebrated 40 years of promoting and supporting fine art photography in the Willamette Valley, Founded in 1985 Guild Members were asked to respond to the theme Insight, suggesting both whats is in a photographer’s field of vision and what lies behind the scenes. **Lorraine Richey is a long-time guild member who lost a long battle with caner last fall. A graduate of Oregon State University, and Resident of Portland, Richey was an inspirational photographer who moved fluidly among genres during her 40 yer photographic career. She is best known for her multi-layered abstraction created with her iPhone.
Sat 3/15 6pm -8pmĀ 20th Annual Dessert and Silent Auction by Seven Oak Middle School Students at 550 Cascade Dr Lebanon OR | The students have worked diligently to raise funds for their History Trip Washington DC and New York! Now they are Asking the Community for their support to make it a reality! They will be auctioning off Gift baskets, Desserts, Art, and more! This auction will be Cash or check only. All proceeds will go directly towards the students trip. If you would like to make a donation please contact Ben Shearon at 541-451-8416 ext 1822